Degrees of Freedom ================== This module contains the definition of a boundary condition, tools related to the handling of degrees of freedom as well as boundary condition templates for simple load cases. **Core** .. currentmodule:: felupe .. autosummary:: Boundary **Tools** .. autosummary:: dof.partition dof.apply dof.symmetry **Load Cases** .. autosummary:: dof.uniaxial dof.biaxial dof.shear **Detailed API Reference** .. autoclass:: felupe.Boundary :members: :undoc-members: :inherited-members: .. autofunction:: felupe.dof.partition .. autofunction:: felupe.dof.apply .. autofunction:: felupe.dof.symmetry .. autofunction:: felupe.dof.uniaxial .. autofunction:: felupe.dof.biaxial .. autofunction:: felupe.dof.shear