Source code for felupe.constitution._models_hyperelasticity_ad

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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from functools import wraps

import numpy as np
from tensortrax.math import log, sqrt
from tensortrax.math import sum as sum1
from tensortrax.math import trace
from tensortrax.math._linalg import det, eigvalsh, inv
from tensortrax.math._special import from_triu_1d, triu_1d

def isochoric_volumetric_split(fun):
    """Apply the material formulation only on the isochoric part of the
    multiplicative split of the deformation gradient."""

    def apply_iso(C, *args, **kwargs):
        return fun(det(C) ** (-1 / 3) * C, *args, **kwargs)

    return apply_iso

[docs] def saint_venant_kirchhoff(C, mu, lmbda): r"""Strain energy function of the isotropic hyperelastic `Saint-Venant Kirchhoff <>`_ material formulation. Parameters ---------- C : tensortrax.Tensor Right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor. mu : float Second Lamé constant (shear modulus). lmbda : float First Lamé constant (shear modulus). Notes ----- .. math:: \psi = \mu I_2 + \lambda \frac{I_1^2}{2} With the first and second invariant of the Green-Lagrange strain tensor :math:`\boldsymbol{E} = \frac{1}{2} (\boldsymbol{C} - \boldsymbol{1})`. .. math:: \hat{I}_1 &= \text{tr}\left( \boldsymbol{E} \right) \hat{I}_2 &= \boldsymbol{E} : \boldsymbol{E} Examples -------- >>> import felupe as fem >>> >>> umat = fem.Hyperelastic(fem.saint_venant_kirchhoff, mu=1.0, lambda=2.0) """ I1 = trace(C) / 2 - 3 / 2 I2 = trace(C @ C) / 4 - trace(C) / 2 + 3 / 4 return mu * I2 + lmbda * I1**2 / 2
[docs] def neo_hooke(C, mu): r"""Strain energy function of the isotropic hyperelastic `Neo-Hookean <>`_ material formulation. Parameters ---------- C : tensortrax.Tensor Right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor. mu : float Shear modulus. Notes ----- .. math:: \psi = \frac{\mu}{2} \left(\text{tr}\left(\hat{\boldsymbol{C}}\right) - 3\right) Examples -------- >>> import felupe as fem >>> >>> umat = fem.Hyperelastic(fem.neo_hooke, mu=1.0) """ return mu / 2 * (det(C) ** (-1 / 3) * trace(C) - 3)
[docs] def mooney_rivlin(C, C10, C01): r"""Strain energy function of the isotropic hyperelastic `Mooney-Rivlin <>`_ material formulation. Parameters ---------- C : tensortrax.Tensor Right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor. C10 : float First material parameter associated to the first invariant. C01 : float Second material parameter associated to the second invariant. Notes ----- .. math:: \psi = C_{10} \left(\hat{I}_1 - 3 \right) + C_{01} \left(\hat{I}_2 - 3 \right) With the first and second main invariant of the distortional part of the right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor. .. math:: \hat{I}_1 &= J^{-2/3} \text{tr}\left( \boldsymbol{C} \right) \hat{I}_2 &= J^{-4/3} \frac{1}{2} \left( \text{tr}\left(\boldsymbol{C}\right)^2 - \text{tr}\left(\boldsymbol{C}^2\right) \right) The doubled sum of both material parameters is equal to the shear modulus :math:`\mu`. .. math:: \mu = 2 \left( C_{10} + C_{01} \right) Examples -------- >>> import felupe as fem >>> >>> umat = fem.Hyperelastic(fem.mooney_rivlin, C10=0.5, C01=0.2) """ J3 = det(C) ** (-1 / 3) I1 = J3 * trace(C) I2 = (I1**2 - J3**2 * trace(C @ C)) / 2 return C10 * (I1 - 3) + C01 * (I2 - 3)
[docs] def yeoh(C, C10, C20, C30): r"""Strain energy function of the isotropic hyperelastic `Yeoh <>`_ material formulation. Parameters ---------- C : tensortrax.Tensor Right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor. C10 : float Material parameter associated to the linear term of the first invariant. C20 : float Material parameter associated to the quadratic term of the first invariant. C30 : float Material parameter associated to the cubic term of the first invariant. Notes ----- .. math:: \psi = C_{10} \left(\hat{I}_1 - 3 \right) + C_{20} \left(\hat{I}_1 - 3 \right)^2 + C_{30} \left(\hat{I}_1 - 3 \right)^3 With the first main invariant of the distortional part of the right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor. .. math:: \hat{I}_1 = J^{-2/3} \text{tr}\left( \boldsymbol{C} \right) The :math:`C_{10}` material parameter is equal to half the initial shear modulus :math:`\mu`. .. math:: \mu = 2 C_{10} Examples -------- >>> import felupe as fem >>> >>> umat = fem.Hyperelastic(fem.yeoh, C10=0.5, C20=-0.05, C30=0.02) """ I1 = det(C) ** (-1 / 3) * trace(C) return C10 * (I1 - 3) + C20 * (I1 - 3) ** 2 + C30 * (I1 - 3) ** 3
[docs] def third_order_deformation(C, C10, C01, C11, C20, C30): r"""Strain energy function of the isotropic hyperelastic `Third-Order-Deformation <>`_ material formulation. Parameters ---------- C : tensortrax.Tensor Right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor. C10 : float Material parameter associated to the linear term of the first invariant. C01 : float Material parameter associated to the linear term of the second invariant. C11 : float Material parameter associated to the mixed term of the first and second invariant. C20 : float Material parameter associated to the quadratic term of the first invariant. C30 : float Material parameter associated to the cubic term of the first invariant. Notes ----- .. math:: \psi &= C_{10} \left(\hat{I}_1 - 3 \right) + C_{01} \left(\hat{I}_2 - 3 \right) + C_{11} \left(\hat{I}_1 - 3 \right) \left(\hat{I}_2 - 3 \right) &+ C_{20} \left(\hat{I}_1 - 3 \right)^2 + C_{30} \left(\hat{I}_1 - 3 \right)^3 With the first and second main invariant of the distortional part of the right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor. .. math:: \hat{I}_1 &= J^{-2/3} \text{tr}\left( \boldsymbol{C} \right) \hat{I}_2 &= J^{-4/3} \frac{1}{2} \left( \text{tr}\left(\boldsymbol{C}\right)^2 - \text{tr}\left(\boldsymbol{C}^2\right) \right) The doubled sum of the material parameters :math:`C_{10}` and :math:`C_{01}` is equal to the initial shear modulus :math:`\mu`. .. math:: \mu = 2 \left( C_{10} + C_{01} \right) Examples -------- >>> import felupe as fem >>> >>> umat = fem.Hyperelastic( >>> fem.third_order_deformation, C10=0.5, C01=0.2, C11=0.1, C20=-0.05, C30=0.02 >>> ) """ J3 = det(C) ** (-1 / 3) I1 = J3 * trace(C) I2 = (I1**2 - J3**2 * trace(C @ C)) / 2 return ( C10 * (I1 - 3) + C01 * (I2 - 3) + C11 * (I1 - 3) * (I2 - 3) + C20 * (I1 - 3) ** 2 + C30 * (I1 - 3) ** 3 )
[docs] def ogden(C, mu, alpha): r"""Strain energy function of the isotropic hyperelastic `Ogden <>`_ material formulation. Parameters ---------- C : tensortrax.Tensor Right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor. mu : list of float List of moduli. alpha : list of float List of stretch exponents. Notes ----- .. math:: \psi = \sum_i \frac{2 \mu_i}{\alpha^2_i} \left( \lambda_1^{\alpha_i} + \lambda_2^{\alpha_i} + \lambda_3^{\alpha_i} - 3 \right) The sum of the moduli :math:`\mu_i` is equal to the initial shear modulus :math:`\mu`. .. math:: \mu = \sum_i \mu_i Examples -------- >>> import felupe as fem >>> >>> umat = fem.Hyperelastic(fem.ogden, mu=[0.9, 0.1], alpha=[2.0, -0.6]) """ wC = det(C) ** (-1 / 3) * eigvalsh(C) return sum1([2 * m / a**2 * (sum1(wC ** (a / 2)) - 3) for m, a in zip(mu, alpha)])
[docs] def arruda_boyce(C, C1, limit): r"""Strain energy function of the isotropic hyperelastic `Arruda-Boyce <>`_ material formulation. Parameters ---------- C : tensortrax.Tensor Right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor. C1 : list of float Initial shear modulus. limit : list of float Limiting stretch at which the polymer chain network becomes locked :math:`\lambda_m`. Notes ----- .. math:: \psi = C_1 \sum_{i=1}^5 \alpha_i \beta^{i-1} \left( \hat{I}_1^i - 3^i \right) With the first main invariant of the distortional part of the right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor .. math:: \hat{I}_1 = J^{-2/3} \text{tr}\left( \boldsymbol{C} \right) and :math_`\alpha_i` and :math`\beta`. .. math:: \boldsymbol{\alpha} &= \begin{bmatrix} \frac{1}{2} \\ \frac{1}{20} \\ \frac{11}{1050} \\ \frac{19}{7000} \\ \frac{519}{673750} \end{bmatrix} \beta &= \frac{1}{\lambda_m^2} The initial shear modulus is a function of both material parameters. .. math:: \mu = C_1 \left( 1 + \frac{3}{5 \lambda_m^2} + \frac{99}{175 \lambda_m^4} + \frac{513}{875 \lambda_m^6} + \frac{42039}{67375 \lambda_m^8} \right) Examples -------- >>> import felupe as fem >>> >>> umat = fem.Hyperelastic(fem.arruda_boyce, C1=1.0, limit=3) """ I1 = det(C) ** (-1 / 3) * trace(C) alphas = [1 / 2, 1 / 20, 11 / 1050, 19 / 7000, 519 / 673750] beta = 1 / limit**2 out = [] for j, alpha in enumerate(alphas): i = j + 1 out.append(alpha * beta ** (i - 1) * (I1**i - 3**i)) return C1 * sum1(out)
[docs] def extended_tube(C, Gc, delta, Ge, beta): "Strain energy function of the Extended-Tube material formulation." J3 = det(C) ** (-1 / 3) D = J3 * trace(C) wC = J3 * eigvalsh(C) g = (1 - delta**2) * (D - 3) / (1 - delta**2 * (D - 3)) Wc = Gc / 2 * (g + log(1 - delta**2 * (D - 3))) We = 2 * Ge / beta**2 * sum1(wC ** (-beta / 2) - 1) return Wc + We
[docs] def van_der_waals(C, mu, limit, a, beta): "Strain energy function of the Van der Waals material formulation." J3 = det(C) ** (-1 / 3) I1 = J3 * trace(C) I2 = (trace(C) ** 2 - J3**2 * trace(C @ C)) / 2 Im = (1 - beta) * I1 + beta * I2 Im.x[np.isclose(Im.x, 3)] += 1e-8 eta = sqrt((Im - 3) / (limit**2 - 3)) return mu * ( -(limit**2 - 3) * (log(1 - eta) + eta) - 2 / 3 * a * ((Im - 3) / 2) ** (3 / 2) )
[docs] @isochoric_volumetric_split def finite_strain_viscoelastic(C, Cin, mu, eta, dtime): "Finite strain viscoelastic material formulation." # update of state variables by evolution equation Ci = from_triu_1d(Cin, like=C) + mu / eta * dtime * C Ci = det(Ci) ** (-1 / 3) * Ci # first invariant of elastic part of right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor I1 = trace(C @ inv(Ci)) # strain energy function and state variable return mu / 2 * (I1 - 3), triu_1d(Ci)