Source code for felupe.mechanics._item

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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from ._helpers import Assemble, Results

[docs] class FormItem: r"""An item to be used in a :class:`felupe.Step` with bilinear and optional linear form objects based on weak-forms with methods for integration and assembly of vectors / sparse matrices. Parameters ---------- bilinearform : Form or None, optional A bilinear form object (default is None). If None, the resulting matrix will be filled with zeros. linearform : Form or None, optional A linear form object (default is None). If None, the resulting vector will be filled with zeros. sym : bool, optional Flag to active symmetric integration/assembly for bilinear forms (default is False). args : tuple or None, optional Tuple with initial optional weakform-arguments (default is None). kwargs : dict or None, optional Dictionary with initial optional weakform-keyword-arguments (default is None). Examples -------- >>> import felupe as fem >>> from felupe.math import ddot, sym, trace, grad >>> >>> mesh = fem.Cube(n=11) >>> region = fem.RegionHexahedron(mesh) >>> field = fem.FieldContainer([fem.Field(region, dim=3)]) >>> boundaries, loadcase = fem.dof.uniaxial(field, clamped=True) >>> >>> @fem.Form(v=field, u=field) >>> def bilinearform(): >>> def a(v, u, μ=1.0, λ=2.0): >>> δε, ε = sym(grad(v)), sym(grad(u)) >>> return 2 * μ * ddot(δε, ε) + λ * trace(δε) * trace(ε) >>> return [a] >>> >>> item = fem.FormItem(bilinearform, linearform=None, sym=True) >>> step = fem.Step(items=[item], boundaries=boundaries) >>> fem.Job(steps=[step]).evaluate() See Also -------- felupe.Form : A function decorator for a linear- or bilinear-form object. felupe.Step : A Step with multiple substeps. """ def __init__(self, bilinearform=None, linearform=None, sym=False, kwargs=None): self.bilinearform = bilinearform self.linearform = linearform self.sym = sym self.kwargs = kwargs self.results = Results(stress=False, elasticity=False) self.assemble = Assemble(vector=self._vector, matrix=self._matrix) if self.bilinearform is not None: self.field = self.bilinearform.form.v.field else: if self.linearform is not None: self.field = self.linearform.form.v.field def _vector(self, field=None, parallel=False): if field is not None: self.field = field if self.linearform is not None: self.results.force = self.linearform.assemble( v=self.field, parallel=parallel, kwargs=self.kwargs ) else: from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix self.results.force = csr_matrix((sum(self.field.fieldsizes), 1)) return self.results.force def _matrix(self, field=None, parallel=False): if field is not None: self.field = field if self.bilinearform is not None: self.results.stiffness = self.bilinearform.assemble( v=self.field, u=self.field, parallel=parallel, sym=self.sym, kwargs=self.kwargs, ) else: from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix size = sum(self.field.fieldsizes) self.results.stiffness = csr_matrix((size, size)) return self.results.stiffness