Inflation of a hyperelastic balloon#


Numeric continuation of a hyperelastic balloon under inner pressure.

  • use FElupe with contique

  • plot pressure-displacement curve

  • view the deformed balloon

With the help of contique (install with pip install contique) it is possible to apply a numerical parameter continuation algorithm on any system of equilibrium equations. This advanced tutorial demonstrates the usage of FElupe in conjunction with contique. The unstable inflation of a rectangular hyperelastic balloon demonstrates this powerful approach. The deformed model and the pressure - displacement curve is plotted.


First, setup a problem in FElupe as usual (mesh, region, field, boundaries, umat, solid and a pressure boundary). For the material definition we use the Yeoh built-in hyperelastic material formulation.

import numpy as np
import felupe as fem
import contique

mesh = fem.Cube(b=(25, 25, 1), n=(6, 6, 2))
region = fem.RegionHexahedron(mesh)
field = fem.FieldContainer([fem.Field(region, dim=3)])
bounds = fem.dof.symmetry(field[0], axes=(True, True, False))
bounds["fix-z"] = fem.Boundary(field[0], fx=25, fy=25, mode="or", skip=(1, 1, 0))
dof0, dof1 = fem.dof.partition(field, bounds)

umat = fem.Hyperelastic(fem.yeoh, C10=0.5, C20=0, C30=0)
solid = fem.SolidBodyNearlyIncompressible(umat, field, bulk=5000)

region_for_pressure = fem.RegionHexahedronBoundary(mesh, mask=(mesh.points[:, 2] == 0))
field_for_pressure = fem.FieldContainer([fem.Field(region_for_pressure, dim=3)])

pressure = fem.SolidBodyPressure(field_for_pressure)

The next step involves the problem definition for contique. For details have a look at its README.

def fun(x, lpf, *args):
    "The system vector of equilibrium equations."

    field[0].values.ravel()[dof1] = x

    return[solid, pressure], field)[dof1]

def dfundx(x, lpf, *args):
    """The jacobian of the system vector of equilibrium equations w.r.t. the
    primary unknowns."""

    K =[solid, pressure], field)

    return fem.solve.partition(field, K, dof1, dof0)[2]

def dfundl(x, lpf, *args):
    """The jacobian of the system vector of equilibrium equations w.r.t. the
    load proportionality factor."""


    return[pressure], field)[dof1]

Next we have to init the problem and specify the initial values of unknowns (the undeformed configuration). After each completed step of the numeric continuation the results are saved.

Res = contique.solve(
    jac=[dfundx, dfundl],
X = np.array([res.x for res in Res])

The unstable pressure-controlled equilibrium path is plotted as pressure-displacement curve.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.plot(X[:, 2], X[:, -1], lw=3)
plt.xlabel(r"Max. Displacement $u_3(X_1=X_2=X_3=0)$ $\longrightarrow$")
plt.ylabel(r"Load-Proportionality-Factor $\lambda$ $\longrightarrow$");

The deformed configuration of the solid body is viewed. Available cell-data labels are obtained by the keys of the cell-data dict.

view = fem.View(field, solid)
['Deformation Gradient',
 'Logarithmic Strain',
 'Principal Values of Logarithmic Strain',
 'Cauchy Stress',
 'Principal Values of Cauchy Stress']
view.plot("Principal Values of Cauchy Stress").show(
    jupyter_backend="panel", screenshot="images/inflation.png"
