Source code for felupe.math._field

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This file is part of FElupe.

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import numpy as np

from ._tensor import dot, eigh, eigvalsh
from ._tensor import tovoigt as tensor_to_vector
from ._tensor import transpose

def displacement(field, dim=3, n=0):
    "Return the 3d-values of the n-th field."

    u = field[n].values
    return np.pad(u, ((0, 0), (0, dim - u.shape[1])))

[docs] def deformation_gradient(field, n=0): "Return the deformation gradient of the n-th field." return field[n].extract(grad=True, sym=False, add_identity=True)
[docs] def strain_stretch_1d(stretch, k=0): r"""Compute the Seth-Hill strains. Parameters ---------- stretch : ndarray of shape (M, ...) The array of stretches. k : float, optional The strain-exponent of the Seth-Hill strain-stretch relation (default is 0). If 0, the logarithmic strains are computed. Returns ------- ndarray of shape (M, ...) The computed strains. Notes ----- .. math:: E(\lambda, k) = \frac{1}{k} \left( \lambda^k - 1 \right) """ if k == 0: strain = np.log(stretch) else: strain = (stretch**k - 1) / k return strain
[docs] def strain(field, fun=strain_stretch_1d, tensor=True, asvoigt=False, n=0, **kwargs): r"""Return Lagrangian strain tensor or its principal values of the n-th field. Parameters ---------- field : FieldContainer A field container with a displacement field. fun : callable, optional A callable for the one-dimensional strain-stretch relation. Function signature must be ``lambda stretch, **kwargs: strain`` (default is the log. strain, :func:`~felupe.math.strain_stretch_1d` with ``k=0``). tensor : bool, optional Assemble and return the strain tensors if True or return their principal values only if False. Default is True. asvoigt : bool, optional Return the symmetric strain tensors in reduced vector (Voigt) storage. Default is False. n : int, optional The index of the displacement field (default is 0). **kwargs : dict, optional Optional keyword-arguments are passed to ``fun(stretch, **kwargs)``. Returns ------- ndarray of shape (N, N, ...) tensor, (N!, ...) asvoigt or (N, ...) princ. values The strain tensors or their principal values. Notes ----- The right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor is defined by the dot-products of the column vectors of the deformation gradient tensor and enables a quadratic length measure, see Eq. :eq:`right-cauchy-green-deformation-tensor`. .. math:: :label: right-cauchy-green-deformation-tensor \boldsymbol{C} = \boldsymbol{F}^T \boldsymbol{F} The principal stretches are obtained as the square-roots of the eigenvalues of the right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor, see Eq. :eq:`principal-stretches`. .. math:: :label: principal-stretches \lambda^2_\alpha, \boldsymbol{N}_\alpha = \text{eig}\left( \boldsymbol{C} \right) The Lagrangian strain tensor is assembled with the one-dimensional strain-stretch relation from Eq. :eq:`principal-strain` and the eigenbases as dyadic products of the eigenvectors, see Eq. :eq:`strain-tensor`. .. math:: :label: principal-strain E_\alpha = \text{f}\left( \lambda_\alpha \right) .. math:: :label: strain-tensor \boldsymbol{E} = \sum_\alpha E_\alpha \ \boldsymbol{N}_\alpha \otimes \boldsymbol{N}_\alpha See Also ------- math.strain_stretch_1d : Compute the Seth-Hill strains. """ F = deformation_gradient(field) C = dot(transpose(F), F) if tensor: w, N = eigh(C) stretch = np.sqrt(w) tensor = np.einsum("a...,ia...,ja...->ij...", fun(stretch, **kwargs), N, N) if asvoigt: # double the off-diagonal items in Voigt-notation for strain tensors tensor = tensor_to_vector(tensor, strain=True) return tensor else: stretch = np.sqrt(eigvalsh(C)) return fun(stretch, **kwargs)
[docs] def extract(field, grad=True, sym=False, add_identity=True): "Extract gradient or interpolated field values at quadrature points." return field.extract(grad=grad, sym=sym, add_identity=add_identity)
[docs] def values(field): "Return values of a field or a tuple of fields." return np.concatenate([f.values.ravel() for f in field.fields])
[docs] def norm(array, axis=None): "Calculate the norm of an array or the norms of a list of arrays." if isinstance(array, list): return np.array([np.linalg.norm(arr, axis=axis) for arr in array]) else: return np.linalg.norm(array, axis=axis)
[docs] def interpolate(field): "Interpolate method of a field." return field.interpolate()
[docs] def grad(x, **kwargs): "Return the gradient of a field or the gradient of a basis-array." if callable(x.grad): return x.grad(**kwargs) else: return x.grad