Source code for felupe.math._solve

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import numpy as np

[docs] def solve_2d(A, b, solve=np.linalg.solve, **kwargs): r"""Solve a linear equation system for two-dimensional unknowns with optional elementwise-operating trailing axes. Parameters ---------- A : ndarray of shape (M, N, M, N, ...) The left-hand side array of the equation system. b : ndarray of shape (M, N, ...) The right-hand side array of the equation system. solve : callable, optional A function with a compatible signature to :func:`numpy.linalg.solve` (default is :func:`numpy.linalg.solve`). **kwargs : dict, optional Optional keyword arguments are passed to the callable ``solve(A, b, **kwargs)``. Returns ------- x : ndarray of shape (M, N, ...) The solved array of unknowns. Notes ----- The first two axes of the rhs ``b`` and the first four axes of the lhs ``A`` are the tensor dimensions and all remaining trailing axes are treated as batch dimensions. This function finds :math:`x_{kl}` for Eq. :eq:`solve-system`. .. math:: :label: solve-system A_{ijkl} : x_{kl} = b_{ij} Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import felupe as fem >>> >>> np.random.seed(855436) >>> >>> A = np.random.rand(3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 4) >>> b = np.ones((3, 3, 2, 4)) >>> >>> x = fem.math.solve_2d(A, b) >>> x[..., 0, 0] array([[ 1.1442917 , 2.14516919, 2.00237954], [-0.69463749, -2.46685827, -7.21630899], [ 4.44825615, 1.35899745, 1.08645703]]) >>> x.shape (3, 3, 2, 4) """ shape = b.shape[:2] size = trax = b.shape[2:] # flatten and reshape A to a 2d-matrix of shape (..., M * N, M * N) and # b to a 1d-vector of shape (..., M * N) b_1d = np.einsum("i...->...i", b.reshape(size, A_1d = np.einsum("ij...->...ij", A.reshape(size, size, # move the batch-dimensions to the back and reshape x return np.einsum("i...->...i", solve(A_1d, b_1d, **kwargs)).reshape(*shape, *trax)