Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This file is part of FElupe.

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(at your option) any later version.

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import inspect
import os
from time import perf_counter

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve

from .. import solve as fesolve
from ..assembly import IntegralForm
from ..math import norm

[docs] class NewtonResult: r"""A data class which represents the result found by Newton's method. All parameters are available as attributes. Parameters ---------- x : felupe.FieldContainer or ndarray Array or Field container with values at a solution found by Newton's method. fun : ndarray or None, optional Values of objective function (default is None). jac : ndarray or None, optional Values of the Jacobian of the objective function (default is None). success : bool or None, optional A boolean flag which is True if the solution converged (default is None). iterations : int or None, optional Number of iterations until solution converged (default is None). xnorms : array of float or None, optional List with norms of the values of the solution (default is None). fnorms : float or None, optional List with norms of the objective function (default is None). Notes ----- The objective function's norm is relative based on the function values on the prescribed degrees of freedom :math:`(\bullet)_0`. A small number :math:`\varepsilon` is added to avoid numeric instabilities. .. math:: \text{norm}(\boldsymbol{f}) = \frac{||\boldsymbol{f}_1||} {\varepsilon + ||\boldsymbol{f}_0||} """ def __init__( self, x, fun=None, jac=None, success=None, iterations=None, xnorms=None, fnorms=None, ): self.x = x = fun self.jac = jac self.success = success self.iterations = iterations self.xnorms = xnorms self.fnorms = fnorms
def fun_items(items, x, parallel=False): "Assemble the sparse system vector for each item." # init keyword arguments kwargs = {"parallel": parallel} # link field of items with global field [ for item in items] # init vector with shape from global field shape = (np.sum(x.fieldsizes), 1) vector = csr_matrix(shape) for body in items: # assemble vector r = body.assemble.vector(field=body.field, **kwargs) # check and reshape vector if r.shape != shape: r.resize(*shape) # add vector vector += r return vector.toarray()[:, 0] def jac_items(items, x, parallel=False): "Assemble the sparse system matrix for each item." # init keyword arguments kwargs = {"parallel": parallel} # init matrix with shape from global field shape = (np.sum(x.fieldsizes), np.sum(x.fieldsizes)) matrix = csr_matrix(shape) for body in items: # assemble matrix K = body.assemble.matrix(**kwargs) # check and reshape matrix if K.shape != matrix.shape: K.resize(*shape) # add matrix matrix += K return matrix def fun(x, umat, parallel=False, grad=True, add_identity=True, sym=False): "Force residuals from assembly of equilibrium (weak form)." return ( IntegralForm( fun=umat.gradient(x.extract(grad=grad, add_identity=add_identity, sym=sym))[ :-1 ], v=x, dV=x.region.dV, ) .assemble(parallel=parallel) .toarray()[:, 0] ) def jac(x, umat, parallel=False, grad=True, add_identity=True, sym=False): "Tangent stiffness matrix from assembly of linearized equilibrium." return IntegralForm( fun=umat.hessian(x.extract(grad=grad, add_identity=add_identity, sym=sym)), v=x, dV=x.region.dV, u=x, ).assemble(parallel=parallel) def solve(A, b, x, dof1, dof0, offsets=None, ext0=None, solver=spsolve): "Solve partitioned system." system = fesolve.partition(x, A, dof1, dof0, -b) dx = fesolve.solve(*system, ext0, solver=solver) return dx def check(dx, x, f, xtol, ftol, dof1=None, dof0=None, items=None, eps=1e-3): "Check result." def sumnorm(x): return np.sum(norm(x)) xnorm = sumnorm(dx) if dof1 is None: dof1 = slice(None) if dof0 is None: dof0 = slice(0, 0) fnorm = sumnorm(f[dof1]) / (eps + sumnorm(f[dof0])) success = fnorm < ftol and xnorm < xtol if success and items is not None: for item in items: [item.results.update_statevars() for item in items] return xnorm, fnorm, success def update(x, dx): "Update field." # x += dx # in-place return x + dx
[docs] def newtonrhapson( x0=None, fun=fun, jac=jac, solve=solve, maxiter=16, update=update, check=check, args=(), kwargs={}, tol=np.sqrt(np.finfo(float).eps), items=None, dof1=None, dof0=None, ext0=None, solver=spsolve, verbose=None, ): r"""Find a root of a real function using the Newton-Raphson method. Parameters ---------- x0 : felupe.FieldContainer, ndarray or None (optional) Array or Field container with values of unknowns at a valid starting point (default is None). fun : callable, optional Callable which assembles the vector-valued objective function. Additional args and kwargs are passed. Function signature of a user-defined function has to be ``fun = lambda x, *args, **kwargs: f``. jac : callable, optional Callable which assembles the matrix-valued Jacobian. Additional args and kwargs are passed. Function signature of a user-defined Jacobian has to be ``jac = lambda x, *args, **kwargs: K``. solve : callable, optional Callable which prepares the linear equation system and solves it. If a keyword- argument from the list ``["x", "dof1", "dof0", "ext0", "solver"]`` is found in the function-signature, then these arguments are passed to ``solve``. maxiter : int, optional Maximum number of function iterations (default is 16). update : callable, optional Callable to update the unknowns. Function signature must be ``update = lambda x0, dx: x``. check : callable, optional Callable to the check the result. tol : float, optional Tolerance value to check if the function has converged (default is 1.490e-8). items : list or None, optional List with items which provide methods for assembly, e.g. like :class:`felupe.SolidBody` (default is None). dof1 : ndarray or None, optional 1d-array of int with all active degrees of freedom (default is None). dof0 : ndarray or None, optional 1d-array of int with all prescribed degress of freedom (default is None). ext0 : ndarray or None, optional Field values at mesh-points for the prescribed components of the unknowns based on ``dof0`` (default is None). solver : callable, optional A sparse or dense solver (default is :func:`scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve`). For a more performant alternative install PyPardiso and use :func:`pypardiso.spsolve`. verbose : bool or int or None, optional Verbosity level to control how messages are printed during evaluation. If 1 or True and ``tqdm`` is installed, a progress bar is shown. If ``tqdm`` is missing or verbose is 2, more detailed text-based messages are printed. Default is None. If None, verbosity is set to True. If None and the environmental variable FELUPE_VERBOSE is set and its value is not ``true``, then logging is turned off. Returns ------- The result object. Notes ----- Nonlinear equilibrium equations :math:`f(x)` as a function of the unknowns :math:`x` are solved by linearization of :math:`f` at a valid starting point of given unknowns :math:`x_0`. .. math:: f(x_0) = 0 The linearization is given by .. math:: f(x_0 + dx) \approx f(x_0) + K(x_0) \ dx \ (= 0) with the Jacobian, evaluated at given unknowns :math:`x_0`, .. math:: K(x_0) = \frac{\partial f}{\partial x}(x_0) and is rearranged to an equation system with left- and right-hand sides. .. math:: K(x_0) \ dx = -f(x_0) After a solution is found, the unknowns are updated. .. math:: dx &= \text{solve} \left( K(x_0), -f(x_0) \right) x &= x_0 + dx Repeated evaluations lead to an incrementally updated solution of :math:`x`. Herein :math:`x_n` refer to the inital unknowns whereas :math:`x` are the updated unknowns (the subscript :math:`(\bullet)_{n+1}` is dropped for readability). .. math:: :name: eq:newton-solve dx &= \text{solve} \left( K(x_n), -f(x_n) \right) x &= x_n + dx Then, the nonlinear equilibrium equations are evaluated with the updated unknowns :math:`f(x)`. The procedure is repeated until convergence is reached. Examples -------- >>> import felupe as fem >>> region = fem.RegionHexahedron(fem.Cube(n=6)) >>> field = fem.FieldContainer([fem.Field(region, dim=3)]) >>> boundaries, loadcase = fem.dof.uniaxial(field, move=0.2, clamped=True) >>> solid = fem.SolidBody(umat=fem.NeoHooke(mu=1.0, bulk=2.0), field=field) >>> res = fem.newtonrhapson(items=[solid], **loadcase) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <BLANKLINE> Newton-Rhapson solver ===================== <BLANKLINE> | # | norm(fun) | norm(dx) | |---|-----------|-----------| | 1 | 7.553e-02 | 1.898e+00 | | 2 | 1.310e-03 | 5.091e-02 | | 3 | 3.086e-07 | 6.698e-04 | | 4 | 2.255e-14 | 1.527e-07 | <BLANKLINE> Converged in 4 iterations ... <BLANKLINE> Newton's method had success >>> res.success True and 4 iterations were needed to converge within the specified tolerance. >>> res.iterations 4 The norm of the objective function for all active degrees of freedom is lower than 3e-15. >>> np.linalg.norm([loadcase["dof1"]]) 2.7384964752762237e-15 """ if verbose is None: FELUPE_VERBOSE = os.environ.get("FELUPE_VERBOSE") if FELUPE_VERBOSE is None: verbose = True else: verbose = FELUPE_VERBOSE == "true" if verbose: runtimes = [perf_counter()] soltimes = [] if x0 is not None: x = x0 else: x = items[0].field kwargs_solve = {} sig = inspect.signature(solve) if items is not None: f = fun_items(items, x, *args, **kwargs) else: f = fun(x, *args, **kwargs) if verbose: print() print("Newton-Rhapson solver") print("=====================") print() print("| # | norm(fun) | norm(dx) |") print("|---|-----------|-----------|") xnorms, fnorms = [], [] # iteration loop for iteration in range(maxiter): if items is not None: K = jac_items(items, x, *args, **kwargs) else: K = jac(x, *args, **kwargs) # create keyword-arguments for solving the linear system keys = ["x", "dof1", "dof0", "ext0", "solver"] values = [x, dof1, dof0, ext0, solver] for key, value in zip(keys, values): if key in sig.parameters: kwargs_solve[key] = value if verbose: soltime_start = perf_counter() dx = solve(K, -f, **kwargs_solve) if verbose: soltime_end = perf_counter() soltimes.append([soltime_start, soltime_end]) x = update(x, dx) if items is not None: f = fun_items(items, x, *args, **kwargs) else: f = fun(x, *args, **kwargs) xnorm, fnorm, success = check( dx=dx, x=x, f=f, xtol=np.inf, ftol=tol, dof1=dof1, dof0=dof0, items=items ) xnorms.append(xnorm) fnorms.append(fnorm) if verbose: print("|%2d | %1.3e | %1.3e |" % (1 + iteration, fnorm, xnorm)) if success: break if np.any(np.isnan([xnorm, fnorm])): raise ValueError("Norm of unknowns is NaN.") if 1 + iteration == maxiter and not success: raise ValueError("Maximum number of iterations reached (not converged).\n") Res = NewtonResult( x=x, fun=f, success=success, iterations=1 + iteration, xnorms=xnorms, fnorms=fnorms, ) if verbose: runtimes.append(perf_counter()) runtime = np.diff(runtimes)[0] soltime = np.diff(soltimes).sum() print( "\nConverged in %d iterations (Assembly: %1.4g s, Solve: %1.4g s).\n" % (iteration + 1, runtime - soltime, soltime) ) return Res