Source code for felupe.mechanics._job

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This file is part of FElupe.

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(at your option) any later version.

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import os

from ..math import deformation_gradient as defgrad
from ..math import displacement as disp
from import logo, runs_on

def displacement(field, substep=None):
    "Return the displacement vvectors."
    return disp(field, dim=3)

def deformation_gradient(field, substep=None):
    "Return the Deformation Gradient tensors."
    return [defgrad(field).mean(-2).transpose([2, 0, 1])]

def log_strain_principal(field, substep=None):
    "Return principal values of logarithmic strain tensors."
    return [field.evaluate.log_strain(tensor=False)[::-1].mean(-2).T]

def log_strain(field, substep=None):
    "Return Lagrangian logarithmic strain tensors."
    return [field.evaluate.log_strain(tensor=True, asvoigt=True).mean(-2).T]

def print_header():
    print("\n".join([logo(), runs_on(), "", "Run Job", "======="]))

[docs] class Job: r"""A job with a list of steps and a method to evaluate them. Parameters ---------- steps : list of Step A list with steps, where each step subsequently depends on the solution of the previous step. callback : callable, optional A callable which is called after each completed substep. Function signature must be ``lambda stepnumber, substepnumber, substep, **kwargs: None``, where ``substep`` is an instance of :class:``. The field container of the completed substep is available as ``substep.x``. Default is ``callback=lambda stepnumber, substepnumber, substep, **kwargs: None``. **kwargs : dict, optional Optional keyword-arguments for the ``callback`` function. Attributes ---------- steps : list of Step A list with steps, where each step subsequently depends on the solution of the previous step. nsteps : int The number of steps. callback : callable A callable which is called after each completed substep. Function signature must be ``lambda stepnumber, substepnumber, substep: None``, where ``substep`` is an instance of :class:``. THe field container of the completed substep is available as ``substep.x``. timetrack : list of int A list with times at which the results are written to the XDMF result file. fnorms : list of list of float List with norms of the objective function for each completed substep of each step. See also class:``. kwargs : dict Optional keyword-arguments for the ``callback`` function. Examples -------- .. pyvista-plot:: >>> import felupe as fem >>> >>> mesh = fem.Cube(n=6) >>> region = fem.RegionHexahedron(mesh) >>> field = fem.FieldContainer([fem.Field(region, dim=3)]) >>> >>> boundaries = fem.dof.symmetry(field[0]) >>> boundaries["clamped"] = fem.Boundary(field[0], fx=1, skip=(True, False, False)) >>> boundaries["move"] = fem.Boundary(field[0], fx=1, skip=(False, True, True)) >>> >>> umat = fem.NeoHooke(mu=1, bulk=2) >>> solid = fem.SolidBody(umat, field) >>> >>> move = fem.math.linsteps([0, 1], num=5) >>> step = fem.Step(items=[solid], ramp={boundaries["move"]: move}, boundaries=boundaries) >>> >>> job = fem.Job(steps=[step]).evaluate() >>> solid.plot("Principal Values of Cauchy Stress").show() See Also -------- Step : A Step with multiple substeps, subsequently depending on the solution of the previous substep. CharacteristicCurve : A job with a list of steps and a method to evaluate them. Force-displacement curve data is tracked during evaluation for a given :class:`~felupe.Boundary`. tools.NewtonResult : A data class which represents the result found by Newton's method. """ def __init__( self, steps, callback=lambda stepnumber, substepnumber, substep, **kwargs: None, **kwargs, ): self.steps = steps self.nsteps = len(steps) self.callback = callback self.timetrack = [] self.fnorms = [] self.kwargs = kwargs def _write(self, writer, time, substep, point_data, cell_data): field = substep.x kwargs = dict(field=field, substep=substep) writer.write_data( time, point_data={key: value(**kwargs) for key, value in point_data.items()}, cell_data={key: value(**kwargs) for key, value in cell_data.items()}, )
[docs] def evaluate( self, filename=None, mesh=None, point_data=None, cell_data=None, point_data_default=True, cell_data_default=True, verbose=None, parallel=False, **kwargs, ): """Evaluate the steps. Parameters ---------- filename : str or None, optional The filename of the XDMF result file. Must include the file extension ``my_result.xdmf``. If None, no result file is writte during evaluation. Default is None. mesh : Mesh or None, optional A mesh which is used for the XDMF time series writer. If None, it is taken from the field of the first item of the first step if no keyword argument ``x0`` is given. If None and ``x0=field``, the mesh is taken from the ``x0`` field container. Default is None. point_data : dict or None, optional Additional dict of point-data for the meshio XDMF time series writer. cell_data : dict or None, optional Additional dict of cell-data for the meshio XDMF time series writer. point_data_default : bool, optional Flag to write default point-data to the XDMF result file. This includes ``"Displacement"``. Default is True. cell_data_default : bool, optional Flag to write default cell-data to the XDMF result file. This includes ``"Principal Values of Logarithmic Strain"``, ``"Logarithmic Strain"`` and ``"Deformation Gradient"``. Default is True. verbose : bool or int or None, optional Verbosity level to control how messages are printed during evaluation. If 1 or True and ``tqdm`` is installed, a progress bar is shown. If ``tqdm`` is missing or verbose is 2, more detailed text-based messages are printed. Default is None. If None, verbosity is set to True. If None and the environmental variable FELUPE_VERBOSE is set and its value is not ``true``, then logging is turned off. parallel : bool, optional Flag to use a threaded version of :func:`numpy.einsum` during assembly. Requires ``einsumt``. This may add additional overhead to small-sized problems. Default is False. **kwargs : dict Optional keyword arguments for :meth:`~felupe.Step.generate`. If ``parallel=True``, it is added as ``kwargs["parallel"] = True`` to the dict of additional keyword arguments. If ``x0`` is present in ``kwargs.keys()``, it is used as the mesh for the XDMF time series writer. Returns ------- Job The job object. Notes ----- Requires ``meshio`` and ``h5py`` if ``filename`` is not None. Also requires ``tqdm`` for an interactive progress bar if ``verbose=True``. See Also -------- Step : A Step with multiple substeps, subsequently depending on the solution of the previous substep. CharacteristicCurve : A job with a list of steps and a method to evaluate them. Force-displacement curve data is tracked during evaluation for a given :class:`~felupe.Boundary` condition. tools.NewtonResult : A data class which represents the result found by Newton's method. """ if verbose is None: FELUPE_VERBOSE = os.environ.get("FELUPE_VERBOSE") if FELUPE_VERBOSE is None: verbose = True else: verbose = FELUPE_VERBOSE == "true" if verbose: try: from tqdm import tqdm except ModuleNotFoundError: verbose = 2 if verbose == 2: print_header() if parallel: if "kwargs" not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs["kwargs"] = {} kwargs["kwargs"]["parallel"] = True time = 0 if filename is not None: from meshio.xdmf import TimeSeriesWriter if mesh is None: if "x0" in kwargs.keys(): mesh = kwargs["x0"].region.mesh.as_meshio() else: mesh = self.steps[0].items[0].field.region.mesh.as_meshio() pdata = point_data_default if point_data_default is True else {} cdata = cell_data_default if cell_data_default is not None else {} pdata = {} cdata = {} if point_data_default is True: pdata = {"Displacement": displacement} if cell_data_default is True: cdata = { "Principal Values of Logarithmic Strain": log_strain_principal, "Logarithmic Strain": log_strain, "Deformation Gradient": deformation_gradient, } if point_data is None: point_data = {} if cell_data is None: cell_data = {} else: # fake a mesh and a TimeSeriesWriter from contextlib import nullcontext TimeSeriesWriter = nullcontext with TimeSeriesWriter(filename) as writer: if filename is not None: writer.write_points_cells(mesh.points, mesh.cells) if verbose == 1: total = sum([step.nsubsteps for step in self.steps]) progress_bar = tqdm(total=total, unit="substep") for j, step in enumerate(self.steps): newton_verbose = False if verbose == 2: print(f"Begin Evaluation of Step {j + 1}.") newton_verbose = True substeps = step.generate(verbose=newton_verbose, **kwargs) for i, substep in enumerate(substeps): self.fnorms.append(substep.fnorms) if verbose == 2: _substep = f"Substep {i + 1}/{step.nsubsteps}" _step = f"Step {j + 1}/{self.nsteps}" print(f"{_substep} of {_step} successful.") self.callback(j, i, substep, **self.kwargs) # update x0 after each completed substep if "x0" in kwargs.keys(): kwargs["x0"].link(substep.x) self.timetrack.append(time) if filename is not None: self._write( writer=writer, time=time, substep=substep, point_data={**pdata, **point_data}, cell_data={**cdata, **cell_data}, ) time += 1 if verbose == 1: progress_bar.update(1) if verbose == 1: progress_bar.close() return self