Source code for felupe.mechanics._multipoint

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import eye, lil_matrix

from ._helpers import Assemble, Results

[docs] class MultiPointConstraint: def __init__( self, field, points, centerpoint, skip=(False, False, False), multiplier=1e3 ): "RBE2 Multi-point-constraint." self.field = field self.mesh = field.region.mesh self.points = np.asarray(points) self.centerpoint = centerpoint self.mask = ~np.array(skip, dtype=bool)[: self.mesh.dim] self.axes = np.arange(self.mesh.dim)[self.mask] self.multiplier = multiplier self.results = Results(stress=False, elasticity=False) self.assemble = Assemble(vector=self._vector, matrix=self._matrix)
[docs] def plot(self, plotter=None, color="black", **kwargs): import pyvista as pv if plotter is None: plotter = pv.Plotter() # get deformed points x = self.mesh.points + self.field[0].values x = np.pad(x, ((0, 0), (0, 3 - x.shape[1]))) pointa = x[self.centerpoint] for pointb in x[self.points]: plotter.add_mesh(pv.Line(pointa, pointb), color=color, **kwargs) return plotter
def _vector(self, field=None, parallel=False): "Calculate vector of residuals with RBE2 contributions." if field is not None: self.field = field u = self.field.fields[0].values N = self.multiplier * (-u[self.points] + u[self.centerpoint]) N[:, ~self.mask] = 0 r = lil_matrix(u.shape) r[self.points] = -N r[self.centerpoint] = N.sum(axis=0) self.results.force = r.reshape(-1, 1).tocsr() return self.results.force def _matrix(self, field=None, parallel=False): "Calculate stiffness with RBE2 contributions." if field is not None: self.field = field indices = np.arange(self.mesh.ndof).reshape(self.mesh.points.shape) td = [indices[self.points.reshape(-1, 1), ax].ravel() for ax in self.axes] cd = [indices[self.centerpoint, ax].ravel() for ax in self.axes] L = lil_matrix((self.mesh.ndof, self.mesh.ndof)) for t, c in zip(td, cd): L[t.reshape(-1, 1), t] = eye(len(t)) * self.multiplier L[t.reshape(-1, 1), c] = -self.multiplier L[c.reshape(-1, 1), t] = -self.multiplier L[c.reshape(-1, 1), c] = eye(len(c)) * self.multiplier * len(self.points) self.results.stiffness = L.tocsr() return self.results.stiffness
[docs] class MultiPointContact: def __init__( self, field, points, centerpoint, skip=(False, False, False), multiplier=1e6 ): "RBE2 Multi-point-bolt-constraint." self.field = field self.mesh = field.region.mesh self.points = np.asarray(points) self.centerpoint = centerpoint self.mask = ~np.array(skip, dtype=bool)[: self.mesh.dim] self.axes = np.arange(self.mesh.dim)[self.mask] self.multiplier = multiplier self.results = Results(stress=False, elasticity=False) self.assemble = Assemble(vector=self._vector, matrix=self._matrix)
[docs] def plot( self, plotter=None, offset=0, show_edges=True, color="black", opacity=0.5, **kwargs, ): import pyvista as pv if plotter is None: plotter = pv.Plotter() # get edge lengths of deformed enclosing box x = self.mesh.points + self.field[0].values edges = np.diag((x.max(axis=0) - x.min(axis=0))) + x.min(axis=0) # plot a line or a rectangle for each active contact plane for ax in self.axes: # fill the point values of the normal axis with the centerpoint values points = edges.copy() points[:, ax] = x[self.centerpoint, ax] + offset # scale the line or rectangle at the origin origin = points.mean(axis=0) points = (points - origin) * 1.05 + origin # plot a line or a rectangle if len(points) == 3: plotter.add_mesh( pv.Rectangle(points), color=color, opacity=opacity, **kwargs ) else: points = np.pad(points, ((0, 0), (0, 3 - points.shape[1]))) plotter.add_mesh( pv.Line(*points), color=color, opacity=opacity, **kwargs ) return plotter
def _vector(self, field=None, parallel=False): "Calculate vector of residuals with RBE2 contributions." if field is not None: self.field = field u = self.field.fields[0].values Xc = self.mesh.points[self.centerpoint] Xt = self.mesh.points[self.points] xc = u[self.centerpoint] + Xc xt = u[self.points] + Xt mask = np.sign(-Xt + Xc) == np.sign(-xt + xc) mask[:, ~self.mask] = True n = -xt + xc n[mask] = 0 r = lil_matrix(u.shape) r[self.points] = -self.multiplier * n r[self.centerpoint] = self.multiplier * n.sum(axis=0) self.results.force = r.reshape(-1, 1).tocsr() return self.results.force def _matrix(self, field=None, parallel=False): "Calculate stiffness with RBE2 contributions." if field is not None: self.field = field u = self.field.fields[0].values Xc = self.mesh.points[self.centerpoint] Xt = self.mesh.points[self.points] xc = u[self.centerpoint] + Xc xt = u[self.points] + Xt mask = np.sign(-Xt + Xc) != np.sign(-xt + xc) masks = [mask[:, ax] for ax in self.axes] indices = np.arange(self.mesh.ndof).reshape(self.mesh.points.shape) td = [indices[self.points.reshape(-1, 1), ax].ravel() for ax in self.axes] cd = [indices[self.centerpoint, ax].ravel() for ax in self.axes] L = lil_matrix((self.mesh.ndof, self.mesh.ndof)) for t, c, m in zip(td, cd, masks): L[t[m].reshape(-1, 1), t[m]] = eye(len(t[m])) * self.multiplier L[t[m].reshape(-1, 1), c] = -self.multiplier L[c.reshape(-1, 1), t[m]] = -self.multiplier L[c.reshape(-1, 1), c] = eye(len(c)) * self.multiplier * len(self.points[m]) self.results.stiffness = L.tocsr() return self.results.stiffness