Mixed-Field Problems#

FElupe supports mixed-field formulations in a similar way it can handle (default) single-field variations. The definition of a mixed-field variation is shown for the hydrostatic-volumetric selective three-field-variation with independend fields for displacements \(\boldsymbol{u}\), pressure \(p\) and volume ratio \(J\). The total potential energy for nearly-incompressible hyperelasticity is formulated with a determinant-modified deformation gradient. We take the Getting started tutorial and modify it accordingly. The built-in Neo-Hookean material model is used as an argument of felupe.ThreeFieldVariation for mixed-field problems.

import felupe as fe

neohooke = fe.constitution.NeoHooke(mu=1.0, bulk=5000.0)
umat = fe.constitution.ThreeFieldVariation(neohooke)

Next, let’s create a meshed cube. Two regions, one for the displacements and another one for the pressure and the volume ratio are created.

mesh  = fe.Cube(n=6)

region  = fe.RegionHexahedron(mesh)
region0 = fe.RegionConstantHexahedron(mesh)

dV = region.dV

displacement = fe.Field(region,  dim=3)
pressure     = fe.Field(region0, dim=1)
volumeratio  = fe.Field(region0, dim=1, values=1)

field = fe.FieldContainer((displacement, pressure, volumeratio))

Boundary conditions are enforced in the same way as in Getting Started.

import numpy as np

f1 = lambda x: np.isclose(x, 1)

boundaries = fe.dof.symmetry(displacement)
boundaries["right"] = fe.Boundary(displacement, fx=f1, skip=(1, 0, 0))
boundaries["move" ] = fe.Boundary(displacement, fx=f1, skip=(0, 1, 1), value=-0.4)

dof0, dof1 = fe.dof.partition(field, boundaries)
ext0 = fe.dof.apply(field, boundaries, dof0)

The Newton-Rhapson iterations are coded quite similar to the one used in Getting started. FElupe provides a Mixed-field version of it’s felupe.IntegralForm, called felupe.IntegralFormMixed. It assumes that the first field operates on the gradient and all the others don’t. The resulting system vector with incremental values of the fields has to be splitted at the field-offsets in order to update the fields.

for iteration in range(8):

    F, p, J = field.extract()

    linearform   = fe.IntegralForm(umat.gradient([F, p, J]), field, dV)
    bilinearform = fe.IntegralForm(umat.hessian([F, p, J]), field, dV, field)

    r = linearform.assemble().toarray()[:, 0]
    K = bilinearform.assemble()

    system = fe.solve.partition(field, K, dof1, dof0, r)
    dfield = np.split(fe.solve.solve(*system, ext0), field.offsets)

    field += dfield

    norm = np.linalg.norm(dfield[0])
    print(iteration, norm)

    if norm < 1e-12:

fe.tools.save(region, field, filename="result.vtk")

The deformed cube is finally visualized by a VTK output file with the help of Paraview.
