Source code for felupe.region._boundary

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import numpy as np

from ..math import cross
from ._region import Region

[docs]class RegionBoundary(Region): r""" A numeric boundary-region as a combination of a mesh, an element and a numeric integration scheme (quadrature). The gradients of the element shape functions are evaluated at all integration points of each cell in the region if the optional gradient argument is True. .. math:: \frac{\partial X^I}{\partial r^J} &= X_a^I \frac{\partial h_a}{\partial r^J} \frac{\partial h_a}{\partial X^J} &= \frac{\partial h_a}{\partial r^I} \frac{\partial r^I}{\partial X^J} dV &= \det\left(\frac{\partial X^I}{\partial r^J}\right) w Parameters ---------- mesh : Mesh A mesh with points and cells. element : Element The finite element formulation to be applied on the cells. quadrature: Quadrature An element-compatible numeric integration scheme with points and weights. grad : bool, optional A flag to invoke gradient evaluation (default is True). only_surface: bool, optional A flag to use only the enclosing outline of the region (default is True). mask: ndarray or None, optional A boolean array to select a specific set of points (default is None). ensure_3d : bool, optional A flag to enforce 3d area normal vectors. Attributes ---------- mesh : Mesh A mesh with points and cells. element : Finite element The finite element formulation to be applied on the cells. quadrature: Quadrature scheme An element-compatible numeric integration scheme with points and weights. h : ndarray Element shape function array ``h_ap`` of shape function ``a`` evaluated at quadrature point ``p``. dhdr : ndarray Partial derivative of element shape function array ``dhdr_aJp`` with shape function ``a`` w.r.t. natural element coordinate ``J`` evaluated at quadrature point ``p`` for every cell ``c`` (geometric gradient or **Jacobian** transformation between ``X`` and ``r``). dXdr : ndarray Geometric gradient ``dXdr_IJpc`` as partial derivative of undeformed coordinate ``I`` w.r.t. natural element coordinate ``J`` evaluated at quadrature point ``p`` for every cell ``c`` (geometric gradient or **Jacobian** transformation between ``X`` and ``r``). drdX : ndarray Inverse of dXdr. dA : ndarray Numeric *Differential area vectors*. normals : ndarray Area unit normal vectors. dV : ndarray Numeric *Differential volume element* as norm of *Differential area vectors*. dhdX : ndarray Partial derivative of element shape functions ``dhdX_aJpc`` of shape function ``a`` w.r.t. undeformed coordinate ``J`` evaluated at quadrature point ``p`` for every cell ``c``. """ def __init__( self, mesh, element, quadrature, grad=True, only_surface=True, mask=None, ensure_3d=False, ): self.only_surface = only_surface self.mask = mask self.ensure_3d = ensure_3d if mesh.cell_type == "quad": # edges (boundary) of a quad i = [3, 1, 0, 2] j = [0, 2, 1, 3] cells_faces = np.dstack( ( mesh.cells[:, i], mesh.cells[:, j], ) ) # complementary edges for the creation of "boundary" quads # (rotated quads with 1st edge as n-th edge of one original quad) t = [1, 0, 3, 2] k = np.array(i)[t] l = np.array(j)[t] cells = np.dstack( ( mesh.cells[:, i], mesh.cells[:, j], mesh.cells[:, k], mesh.cells[:, l], ) ) elif mesh.cell_type == "hexahedron": # faces (boundary) of a hexahedron i = [0, 1, 1, 2, 0, 4] j = [3, 2, 0, 3, 1, 5] k = [7, 6, 4, 7, 2, 6] l = [4, 5, 5, 6, 3, 7] cells_faces = np.dstack( ( mesh.cells[:, i], mesh.cells[:, j], mesh.cells[:, k], mesh.cells[:, l], ) ) # complementary faces for the creation of "boundary" hexahedrons # (6 rotated hexahedrons with 1st face as n-th face of # one original hexahedron) t = [1, 0, 3, 2, 5, 4] m = np.array(i)[t] n = np.array(j)[t] p = np.array(k)[t] q = np.array(l)[t] cells = np.dstack( ( mesh.cells[:, i], mesh.cells[:, j], mesh.cells[:, k], mesh.cells[:, l], mesh.cells[:, m], mesh.cells[:, n], mesh.cells[:, p], mesh.cells[:, q], ) ) # ensure right-hand-side cell connectivity for a in [1, 3, 5]: cells[:, a, :4] = cells[:, a, :4].T[::-1].T cells[:, a, 4:] = cells[:, a, 4:].T[::-1].T else: raise NotImplementedError("Cell type not supported.") cells_faces = cells_faces.reshape(-1, cells_faces.shape[-1]) cells = cells.reshape(-1, cells.shape[-1]) if self.only_surface: # sort faces, get indices of unique faces and counts cells_faces_sorted = np.sort(cells_faces, axis=1) cells_faces_unique, index, counts = np.unique( cells_faces_sorted, True, False, True, 0 ) self._index = index self._mask = counts == 1 else: self._index = np.arange(len(cells_faces)) self._mask = np.ones_like(self._index, dtype=bool) self._selection = self._index[self._mask] # merge with point-mask if mask is not None: point_selection = np.arange(len(mesh.points))[mask] self._selection = self._selection[ np.all(np.isin(cells_faces[self._selection], point_selection), axis=1) ] # get cell-faces and cells on boundary (unique cell-faces with one count) cells_on_boundary = cells[self._selection] ## create mesh on boundary mesh_boundary = mesh.copy() mesh_boundary.update(cells_on_boundary) self.mesh = mesh_boundary self.mesh.cells_faces = cells_faces # init region and faces super().__init__(mesh_boundary, element, quadrature, grad=grad) if grad: self.dA, self.dV, self.normals = self._init_faces() def _init_faces(self): "Initialize (norm of) face normals of cells." if self.mesh.cell_type == "quad": dA_1 = self.dXdr[:, 0][::-1] dA_1[0] = -dA_1[0] elif self.mesh.cell_type == "hexahedron": dA_1 = cross(self.dXdr[:, 0], self.dXdr[:, 1]) dA = -dA_1 * self.quadrature.weights.reshape(-1, 1) # norm and unit normal vector dV = np.linalg.norm(dA, axis=0) normals = dA / dV if self.ensure_3d: if dA.shape[0] == 2: dA = np.pad(dA, ((0, 1), (0, 0), (0, 0))) normals = np.pad(normals, ((0, 1), (0, 0), (0, 0))) return dA, dV, normals