Solid Bodies as Items for Assembly#
The mechanics submodule contains classes for the generation of solid bodies. Solid body objects are supported as items of a Step
and the newtonrhapson()
Solid Body#
The generation of internal force vectors and stiffness matrices of solid bodies are provided as assembly-methods of a SolidBody
or a SolidBodyNearlyIncompressible
import felupe as fem
mesh = fem.Cube(n=6)
region = fem.RegionHexahedron(mesh)
field = fem.FieldContainer([fem.Field(region, dim=3)])
# a solid body
body = fem.SolidBody(umat=fem.NeoHooke(mu=1, bulk=2), field=field)
# a (nearly) incompressible solid body (to be used with quads and hexahedrons)
body = fem.SolidBodyNearlyIncompressible(umat=fem.NeoHooke(mu=1), field=field, bulk=5000)
internal_force = body.assemble.vector(field, parallel=False)
stiffness_matrix = body.assemble.matrix(field, parallel=False)
During assembly, several results are stored, e.g. the gradient of the strain energy density function per unit undeformed volume w.r.t. the deformation gradient (first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor). Other results are the deformation gradient or the fourth-order elasticity tensor associated to the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor.
F = body.results.kinematics
P = body.results.stress
A = body.results.elasticity
The Cauchy stress tensor, as well as the gradient and the hessian of the strain energy density function per unit undeformed volume are obtained by evaluate-methods of the solid body.
P = body.evaluate.gradient(field)
A = body.evaluate.hessian(field)
s = body.evaluate.cauchy_stress(field)
Body Force (Gravity) on a Solid Body#
The generation of external force vectors or stiffness matrices of body forces acting on solid bodies are provided as assembly-methods of a SolidBodyForce
body = fem.SolidBodyForce(field=field, values=[9810, 0, 0], scale=7.85e-9)
force_gravity = body.assemble.vector(field, parallel=False)
Pressure Boundary on a Solid Body#
The generation of force vectors or stiffness matrices of pressure boundaries on solid bodies are provided as assembly-methods of a SolidBodyPressure
region_pressure = fem.RegionHexahedronBoundary(
only_surface=True, # select only faces on the outline
mask=mesh.points[:, 0] == 0, # select a subset of faces on the surface
field_boundary = fem.FieldContainer([fem.Field(region_pressure, dim=3)])
body_pressure = fem.SolidBodyPressure(field=field_boundary)
force_pressure = body_pressure.assemble.vector(field=field_boundary, parallel=False)
stiffness_matrix_pressure = body_pressure.assemble.matrix(
field=field_boundary, parallel=False
For axisymmetric problems the boundary region has to be created with the attribute ensure_3d=True
mesh = fem.Rectangle(a=(0, 30), b=(20, 40), n=(21, 11))
region = fem.RegionQuad(mesh)
region_pressure = fem.RegionQuadBoundary(
only_surface=True, # select only faces on the outline
mask=mesh.points[:, 0] == 0, # select a subset of faces on the surface
ensure_3d=True, # flag for axisymmetric boundary region
field = fem.FieldContainer([fem.FieldAxisymmetric(region)])
field_boundary = fem.FieldContainer([fem.FieldAxisymmetric(region_pressure)])